To The Point.

Two hundred words or less. No long, flowery intros to scroll past. No filler. Just essential info about the tools and ideas that are driving my innovation in eLearning and Instructional Design. That is To The Point.

Blogs seem to be everywhere. They’re falling from the sky and we’re tripping on them under our feet. Many are fascinating and essential, and many have primary focuses other than knowledge sharing. So, here’s my promise with this blog: I’ll get straight to the point and stay on point, I’ll do my best to help you put ideas into action, and I won’t ever try to sell you anything. After all, that’s not the point of To The Point.

So, what is the point?

Community, knowledge building, and a historical record. The point is for us to connect as eLearning and Instructional Design professionals, increase our collective understanding, and keep an online record of what worked and what didn’t. It’s that simple.

I’ll always enjoy hearing from you. Just keep it to the point.

Written by -

Founder of The KnowLab Inc.

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